
Hello! Today I will write about a postgraduate course that I would like to do in the future.

In the future, I would like to take the Master's course in Budget Management and Government Accounting, for two reasons, firstly, because it would give me the necessary tools to reach the Comptroller General of the Republic and optimally fulfill the function of public control. Second, I would take this course since for me this public function is vital for the improvement of the State.

Within this course the subject that I would like to study the most is Budgetary Management, since this area is where I believe vital problems could be solved. Besides, I want to take this course in Chile, specifically at the University of Chile, part-time, so that I can work while I study. This last point is very relevant, since if I don´t study and work at the same time it will not be feasible to study.

Something relevant to add is that I would also like to take the Criminology and Citizen Security course, as well as the Political Science course, taught by the same University. In fact, I also dream of getting to study a postgraduate degree abroad, at a prestigious university and do a doctorate, since I really like to acquire new knowledge that is useful for delivering a good service to citizens, rather, to society in general.


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